
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

May 1st

2021. május 01. - pajkrh

Had a lovely time in the swimming bath all alone. One can see much more so. I gathered a vast experience. Couples behave as if they were all alone too. Most interesting. Went to the cemetery in the afternoon and tried to ring up Leon as I promised. Did so exactly three times, but it’ll never happen again. As I foresaw he wasn’t in. Really I do deserve this all but this is the limit. Anyway I find again that I always must count upon my own self only in everything. This time for this all happened only on account of Vin who doesn’t seem to care for me much I suppose I have to face this alone too. No help whatever from any other side. A good lesson however, not the first either, but I believe it won’t need to happen again. I don’t care for anyone two hoots any longer. It is lovely to be free again. No ties of any sort for me ever again. Simply won’t let myself be led by circumstances.

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