
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

June 2nd

2021. június 02. - pajkrh

Phoned to Leon again, spoke with his brother. He is away and to return in about a fortnight. He asked me what message is to send him in his letter, so I just sent my own particular greetings. He was nice. Such a pity they are not Catholics. But then I’d have never met Vin. I suppose, or if I’d have it would have been too late as I’d certainly have married Leon ages ago. – As it is, I suppose it is always for the best. – I find there was a meeting of the St Lucas Klub of Drs yesterday night. That must have prevented Vin. in coming. But why didn’t he tell me, it is quite another matter as if he had have gone off on his own. Went to that lecture on American Hungarians at the Parliament. It was quite interesting. Dr. Horváth was presiding. I like him. I met Eve Korin there unexpectedly. Somehow though she is nice I don’t like this Jewish Catholic mixture. Now how about myself have children of the same kind.

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