Irene called. Nothing of L. so far. I’ll keep strong. – Martha dropped in, we had a good laugh. – Before going out suddenly couldn’t resist the temptation of ringing L<eo?> up + asking if he was the one who tried to find me. He wasn’t. But our little talk quite put me out again. Serves me right to not having kept my resolution. I’m quite mad about him, I’m afraid. Too bad. – The party was a great success. Vali’s brother is a perfect dear, I like him + apparently he likes me. Répássy <?> had a nervous breakdown, poor fellow and was still in a sort of melancholic mood. Needs a good bracing. Was rather sorry I couldn’t make him feel wanted + cheer him up on the whole, but he was sitting at the other end of the table by Vali. Besides one really shouldn’t book all the men even if one is considered a born flirt. Or is it acquisition with me, I wonder. I’d rather take it for misunderstanding. All I want is to make people like me and to make them feel liked. – Something must be wrong with me. The ticket collectors on buses consequently ignore me. This is the third time I held the fare in my hand all the way + it wasn’t collected.