
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

May 27th

2021. május 27. - pajkrh

Had to do in town, was at Cica’s too and heard that they were to be off for Kenderes the very day. She was out I couldn’t wait for her return so just left a message. As my cough was worse than ever decided to have my lungs examined if possible and being near the place went to see Vin. He nearly had…


May 7th

Meant to ring up Leon but didn’t. On the afterthought, it was him who promised to ring me up. Most shocking. The horrid fellow continues to forget his promises to me. I suppose I ought to feel awfully hurt etc. I don’t care the least on the other hand. Complete indifference. Meant to phone Vin too,…


March 18th

Had quite a row with mother on account of my visit to the Dr. It really is most illogical of her. First of all I told her I’d go and she had nothing against it then it isn’t me but them who wish to see me married. This examination is taken for a personal offence it seems. I believe this was the last…

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