
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

Nov. 27th

2021. november 27. - pajkrh

Nothing special last week. Been to a lecture in the Association of Foreign Affaires. Most interesting. Met an old admirer too amongst them, who proposed to show me the dark side of our town, most appropriately, the slums. – Poor old Miss Jerstandl (?) next door died on Monday, the men, Colonel +…


Nov 7th

Of course I didn’t ‘phone Leon yesterday though I promised to. After all if he is so curious about my welfare he can take the trouble too. Cemetery in the evening met Magdi when coming out. Heared later news of course. Slightly milder than casually. Now at least I have an idea of idle talk.…


Oct 30th

According to appointment I went to an early cinema. When coming out I expected to find Leon there but he wasn’t. I returned a few times in vain. Tried to phone first in vain, later the apparate got mad somehow and swallowed my money at last. So I gave it up in the end and returned home thoroughly…


Oct 25th

A busy day. I had to go the District Committee on account of our machines. Had to wait for ages for one of the engineers. When arriving home Bözsi, whom I made friends with at the cooking course, ‘phoned me with the astonishing news that they were separating with her husband. As she seemed to be the…


Oct 16th

I was at a late mass today but didn’t meet Mrs Farkasvölgyi there. Went to the cemetery early in the afternoon. ? has just looked out of his window when I passed but Magdi was not in yet. Mother + little Ervin came, we left together but I left them on the way as she stopped to talk to a friend. The…


Oct. 2nd

Nasty weather today. Had another talk on the phone with Leon last night. This morning he rang me up. In the evening I meant to go to cinema, but talked it over with him. Sheer madness and even more. It must be definitely stopped especially as he thinks that marriage is a great ….. (empty space) In…


July 17th

Father not too well. Mother nervous. Ervin away with Capt. Takács at the Balaton. We went to see the picture I talked of with Martha. It was interesting in a way, but otherwise a week art. All the actresses were ugly and fat. The scientific part of it was alright but not enough. I came to the…

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