
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

April 24th

2021. április 24. - pajkrh

Just an ordinary Sunday. Meant to play tennis but never can manage in the morning and in the afternoon it was a bit late by the time I returned from the cemetery. As a matter of fact I felt awfully lazy and it is so difficult to start things. I wish the Club wouldn’t have moved to that other place.…



Too lazy to get up early, went to the noon mass. A good walk to the cemetery and the church which intrigued me since long. It looked quite near the East Station but was a quarter of an hour’s distance quite near the first cross road leading home. – Went to Martha’s party a bit tired, managed to be…



Mrs <Kun’s> burial was this afternoon. It was most curios as the first wife, her sister was there too. She had no tears for her at least in public, poor thing. – She was taken from the new cemetery to the crypt in the old one. It was quite a walk. – Afterwards I called at Anci’s, who is in…

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