
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

June 27th

2021. június 27. - pajkrh

It is very hot. Had a letter from Bayana she is going to England in a fortnight time. Happy girl. Will have to write her before that. Phoned Leo but a bit late and only his brother was in. It seems we are getting quite good friends. After dinner I rang up Vin. on account of our last talk. I have an…


June 26th

At church in the morning. Rang up Marietta at noon to ask about the Sacred Heart Procession. She asked me to fetch her which I did. The Procession took the whole afternoon. I was at her place at 4 p.m. we went to the Sophianum straight away. Only a few were there of her congregation. We couldn’t…


June 25th

Today I feel all broken and depressed. Of course it is partly yesterdays late night and the gymn beforehand besides Martha’s wishes. – Phoned Vin. too. He will be off for his holiday next week. In this too I feel at loss. For every nights is he booked but he “might be free” on Friday when we might…


June 24th

Got up at an unearthly hour this morning (5.40) and went to mass + holy communion (Sacred Heart). Went to gymn. in the evening. I was a bit stiff and out of practice, but not too much. I don’t think the two hours are worth the sum I payed, though. It was a surprise – Martha phoned in the evening.…


June 21st

Was at the Bank this morning, asked about my Swiss holiday too. I’m afraid it would mean too much expense. Was at the Ministerium for Commerce too on account of the Hauers. Went to the furrier and am going to have my fur coat overmade. It must be I’m sorry to say. Had my neck seen to at one of the…

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