
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

June 26th

2021. június 26. - pajkrh

At church in the morning. Rang up Marietta at noon to ask about the Sacred Heart Procession. She asked me to fetch her which I did. The Procession took the whole afternoon. I was at her place at 4 p.m. we went to the Sophianum straight away. Only a few were there of her congregation. We couldn’t hear the sermon and we couldn’t see the Holy Eucharisty. It is much more interesting and less work to stop at the roadside and see the Procession go by than to take part in it. This was a good as appropriate finish to my hover(???) , however. I met a lady there who lived in the Fürj str. (1/c). I’ve been wondering if that is not the place where Vin. goes sometimes. She was nice, we were singing together as I had the book. I met Edith Jármay too at the Sophianum with whom we used to go to school together. She is one of the Mothers now, but didn’t seem to change much. I liked her. She invited me their place at Budakeszi Rd for an afternoon. I think I’ll go to see her. After it was all over, the Csáky girls + their Mother + I went to have an ice with Marietta. Mrs Csáky was in an awfully hilarious mood talked all the time. It was quite fun.

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