
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

June 6th

2021. június 06. - pajkrh

Was late for church, but it isn’t obligatory today. Father went to see Martha so I had to be at home in the morning. Made a little order on the shelf in my cupboard. Meant to do the drawer in the drawing room. Cinema again. Countess Walewska. Quite alright. – A funny young girl spoke to me on the…


June 4th

A busy day again. Ervin off for his week end yesterday. Went to fetch my coat + hats in the evening. Met Marietta on my way. Of course I passed her but she got hold of me. We had a long talk, I promised to go to see her next Wednesday. My white hat is a scream I like those funny pink + blue tulle…


June 3rd

A hard day. Hot, busy, tiresome. I felt downhearted all day. All sorts of troubles. Nearly stayed home instead of going to the cooking class. But went eventually. Was 20 minutes late. Bözsi was dressing exactly at the same time. We had a good laugh over it. Both of us being late, listless + tired. I…


June 2nd

Phoned to Leon again, spoke with his brother. He is away and to return in about a fortnight. He asked me what message is to send him in his letter, so I just sent my own particular greetings. He was nice. Such a pity they are not Catholics. But then I’d have never met Vin. I suppose, or if I’d have…


June 1st

Was in town + on business. Bought a funny yellow straw hat. I believe it was too expensive or rather I overpaid it + it looks strange. Vin. ‘phoned while I was out. I thought I won’t return his call, but did so later on. It was silly of me. Apparently he was only a bit conscience stricken on…

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