
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

June 1st

2021. június 01. - pajkrh

Was in town + on business. Bought a funny yellow straw hat. I believe it was too expensive or rather I overpaid it + it looks strange.

Vin. ‘phoned while I was out. I thought I won’t return his call, but did so later on. It was silly of me. Apparently he was only a bit conscience stricken on account of my health. The Dr woke up in him, it seems. We didn’t talk much and it was unsatisfactory. Most ridiculous but I still believe he is the so called only one for me. –

The evening’s performance at the Conservatory was quite interesting. We heared some ultramodern poems. I’m afraid I was a bit dazed and am sure I couldn’t ever manage to recite that odd jumble of words. The poet had a funny way of saying it too. I nearly had a fit. The modern music was slightly strange too, but I’m more used to that with all it’s disharmonia, though it certainly has a way of reminding one of the creaking of doors, ramming of window pane + the clashing + crushing sounds of lids in the kitchen and of the china. I suppose that is meant to lead no finding music even in the most everyday sounds or the reverse? Some parts of the programme were off altogether. May. Riedl’s dance was quite alright, though her solo was just a bit restrained, the “??” part at least, while too much of mimic at others. I had an opportunity of seeing the Conservatory from behind the scenes for having gone to congratulate her. – Altogether it was an experience. By the way I tried to ring up Leon again before the performance, but with no success. I have a grave misgiving that he is travelling. Must find out.

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