
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

Nov. 16th

2021. november 16. - pajkrh

Quite mad of me, but again I thought I would give Leon a chance and let him accompany me home after gymn. So I rang him up in the afternoon. He recognized my voice and put down the receiver. I know we made appoint of doing so if a ring came at the wrong moment, but this time it was the very very limit. Resolved to make an end of the whole affair on my own. No need to tell him about it, he won’t notice it. He has his own life, he is not alone in his troubles which may come, there is his family. I have no play there, he doesn’t need me. And I won’t intrude. So I resolved to wash out that rather dirty little spot of an episode from my “part” by means of six-weeks-plans. Heil Hitler this is your influence. The s.w.p. I mean. These six weeks take me over New Year. Gymn rather nice.

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