
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

June 18th

2021. június 18. - pajkrh

Had to go to buy a roll of pastry for Mother at the Hauer. Met all the men, but Marietta was out. It was most amusing. Old Father Hauer is always awfully sweet, this time too. But this time the youngest and most important of the sons sought me out and kept me company talking all the time I got over my ice cream. Of course I don’t flatter myself that it was for my own sweet sake, but he asked again for the help of one of our relatives in the Ministry of Commerce and I suppose he thought he must be uncommonly polite when asking for favours. It was even more amusing for that reason however and I enjoyed the situation. He is quite a nice fellow though if I come to think of it. The way he talked of the starlit night and his feeling of being robbed of something when his friends leave him then was most touching and I would never have thought anything the like of him. I promptly told him so. He talked about his coming holiday which he is to spend travelling with a young couple. That is how he came to former statements. We talked about marriage too after both of us sincerely assuring each other that we could think of no one perfectly suitable among our friends for the desirable position of a marriage partner. Quite sound ideas he has. Fancy that man talking like that. –

When coming home I met a crowd of young fellows cheering Szálasi. I could have cheerfully killed them. Not exactly that perhaps, but would have liked to shake each until he’d have learned reason. Not a simple person looked really grown up though. Just a mad crowd of overexcited slightly abnormal creatures looking for trouble, and trying to make martyrs of themselves. They deserve having their ears boxed I believe.

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