
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

April 28th

2021. április 28. - pajkrh

A lot to do in the office, people coming in one after the other, sometimes three at the same time. Really we ought to have two offices, one for waiting. Gizi ‘phoned too, asking about this evenings invitation to Martha’s. Told her to expect the worse on account of building begin in … . … (sic!) Was taken to town by Boust in his car, him being a very benign mood having managed to hit off more or less a large order. I’m wondering now about the other firm. Phoned Vin. at four. He was very busy, but wouldn’t let me ring off at once. Told him I couldn’t ring him up before he phoned me next as it was his turn. He seemed to find it disappointing. But I really must do something about it. I think I’ll stop caring about anyone, it is not worth the while. In future it will be hands off and arms length also. I don’t care any longer if that will mean a break either If that is all he wants, it is just as well, and the feelings of only a person are not worth a brass farthing. I can get along quite satisfactorily on my own, so I don’t care two hoots. – Most ridiculous but whenever I decided to cut adrift … …(sic) are made for the reverse. This evening too at Martha’s, she asked Anci if there was not a good position in the med. profession to be had at Sandor’s new place. Anci asked me all about it in the tram on our way home. It really would have seemed ungracious not to sound grateful though I told her I had no idea if Vin. would wish to leave his present place. I told her, once I said to M. that what was I to do with a young man of no means and that gave her the idea of asking Anci about the job, probably. Anci was most kind and told she would invite Vin. to her bridge parties. Good for Vin., but I haven’t the least wish of pulling him into any obvious and uncomfortable entanglements against his wish. And I’ve an idea that what he wants is a good time at present, more years of studying and travel but no cures of the matrimonial kind and he can have all for all that I care. I’m completely fed up with everything and wish I was at least three countries farther. If it can be managed I would certainly like to take part of that course in Genova. It is in August however so I wonder about the parents. The building is going on at Martha’s it’ll be quite alright I believe. The kids were sweet + dirty.

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