
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

March 27th

2021. március 27. - pajkrh

Went to confession again, though didn’t feel much like it. When do I, though? Spoke with the Farkasvölgyis on the phone, they arranged to go with Ervin in the country. Martha + kids here. Gyula looks a bit off colour. The kids quite nice and not such handful like they used to be. Somehow it is easier with them now that they are bigger and can be left alone. Though they’re up to something every moment still. Feri bácsi sent tickets for this afternoon’s concert in the Conservatory, so we went with Martha. It was a good performance (Händel Saul Oratory) and Vali sang really well. Saul (Fodor) was good too and all the others. Afterwards Ervin came with the rest of Martha’s family to fetch her, they took Jolán néni too. Ervin told me to look for the Farkasvölgyi couple in an Icecream Parlour on the Andrássy ut. Looked in three places but didn’t find them. There I saw a car which look like theirs on the other side of the road, it turned out eventually to be theirs. Risked it and went there. We had a nice chat. Kato is quite sweet. Her husband nice too. Hi is … …. (sic!) a bit as I was told he was owing to a motorbike accident. I believe we’ll have a nice time in the summer. At least I hope so. The men went to bring us ices. We sat, ate, smoked and chatted there till half past nine. Quite enjoyed it. They’d be a fitting company for Vin. too, so if I’ll be asked I’ll ask him to come, if I’ll be let to and he won’t have something on. We’ll see.ujsag_1938_03_pages437-437-page-001_1.jpg

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