
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

June 23rd

2021. június 23. - pajkrh

Mother still in bad condition. Am awful row, what more consecutive ones, though by the evening peace reigned in the family haven.


June 20th

Mother still unwell, or rather worse. – Vin. ‘phoned me at noon, we had an interminable talk. It seems he was looking for me everywhere in the Opera House, except just in front of his nose. Characteristic. We won’t have much of a chance to meet nowadays, and it is better too, I think for he has a…


May 23rd

I was most shocked. In spite of my hearty reassurances that I won’t go to Martha’s this afternoon Mother promised her that I would, when she phoned. The kids were rather bad and though M. returned early I came home late again. I nearly had a quarrel with Martha over different questions. If things go…

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