
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

March 9th

2021. március 09. - pajkrh

Vali’s exam. concert tonight. Quite interesting. She was sweet, but Vin’s friend was art itself. She is a bit tall though. But her voice is clear, strong, beautifully modulated and cultured. She sang a difficult pastor (?). She had a great success. – Vali was most unfortunate, there was nearly a panic at her turn. One of the reflectors or something of the sort was stuffed with paper, it caught fire and made a great smoke. There was getting quite a noise and some people left. Fortunately many kept their head, so it was alright in the end. – Went home alone as Ervin didn’t come to fetch me, met an old business friend of ours who came with me till the bus stop. When getting off I had an amusing incident.

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