
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

June 12th

2022. június 12. - pajkrh

Last Saturday I went up to Mrs. Árva’s for a fitting, took some of my dresses on Thursday. The blue coat was ready and very well done. It is collarless now. Had to wait for her for quite a while, had a good chat with their guest from the country, jus preparing for some exams. She is quite a nice…


June 8th

Still didn’t get completely over shock of Tuesday. Was at early mass this morning as all there Mother Father Brother went off to Mr K. (?) in Pesterzsébet. In the afternoon went to Ms Árva’s with most of my dresses. Promised to be at Cica’s by 5 but it turned out to be nearly 7 by the time I…


June 6th

This was a surprising day. Full of shocks. In the morning went to have our driving licences changed. A young policeman helped me with my things and in the and in the end wouldn’t accept the tip I meant to give him. I was nearly ashamed. But really one never knows with the people. So that was an…

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