
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

May 14th

2022. május 14. - pajkrh

A lecture in the Külügyi on Friday. Rather good and short. Was late again. Went to Marietta’s yesterday night. Michael better it seems, though still in bed, but they are starting the massaging, so it means a step towards improvement. I’m glad. I do wonder if the poor boy will be fit for my plans and when. It means patience all the time a rather weak streak in my character. I really despire myself sometimes for how little all these men mean to me in spite of the very important part I sometimes wish to give them. I don’t know what to do better leave it all to Providence or else I’ll get mixed into some silly affair again. Though I do mean to take care of myself now that I’m turned over that new leafe (life?). Only sometimes I do feel as a bit down and in low spirits though it may be due to biological falls only. It is a compensation or explanation? but it should help bearing it a lot. – Was at Marietta’s this evening too to watch the Procession of the Besnyő Men Pilgrimage pass. Quite a lot took part, but we couldn’s see our F. Omer. which might mean hi is ill again, especially as only yesterday he complained of pains. He was the Hauers to see Mike but couldn’t wait long enough for him to get ready and Marietta was out. – Was in the cemetery and cinema previously. Weather is quite cool and rainy.

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