
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

April 13th

2022. április 13. - pajkrh

Yesterday we had a great trouble again in convincing Father that we really do need a new car and it is a good investment. Kellner, the man from the Opel service had to come out twice. We have been to see Father Omerovich at the Hospital St Frances of Assisi in Hűvösvölgy. It was quite an excursion. We were rather late, but fortunately met a girl who also went there so we didn’t have to ask for information at least. The Pater was awfully nice, we are to see him again next week. I suppose in the end I’ll won’t be able to evade a heart to heart talk with him. He says at least it would do me no end of good. Perhaps he is right. – Today we went for Marietta and the four of us went to find a nice colour for the new car. We found a nice blue one, but the inner fitments were a too light grey so when we came on to a beige brown grey silvery thing we were all enchanted. As I told them at once it looked dirty even when clean so it was a most practical solution for us. Of course it might be put the other way around. The whole affair took us such a long time that it was too late for me to go to the Dr. By the way I went to have myself Xrayed yesterday. I’m afraid I made myself slightly ridiculous as I didn’t like the undressing business the least bit. Anyway this is my real nature, so I don’t care two hoots.  – To return to foremost topic, my brother + Marietta got on quite well. Her brothers, especially Feri were quite elated as they tried to persuade Father to get us a new car, so he thinks we can thank him for it. They were quite nice. I think we wouldn’t be better off than having an attachment with them.

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