
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

Nov. 19th

2021. november 19. - pajkrh

Bought some little things for the kids. Went to the dressmaker too. Gymn not so good as usually, was a bit tired I suppose. Found that one of the girls, Alexa K., was leaving a job as English correspondent at a Factory, which I might get owing to excellent English knowledge. 300 P-s a month. Quite…


Nov. 16th

Quite mad of me, but again I thought I would give Leon a chance and let him accompany me home after gymn. So I rang him up in the afternoon. He recognized my voice and put down the receiver. I know we made appoint of doing so if a ring came at the wrong moment, but this time it was the very very…


Nov. 15th

 Was silly enough to ring up my dear exfriend last night quite late and to insist that this was the limit. After my brother brought back Magda’s theatre ticket for tonight I was even more silly to try and give the man one more chance. Asked him if he was free for the night which of course he wasn’t.…

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