
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

May 9th

2021. május 09. - pajkrh

Went to the dressmaker this afternoon. The blue blouse is sweet + the light blue frock is quite alright too. Mean to see Vin. this week. Am going to buy some blue silk for a pleated shirt to match my peasant blouse.


May 7th

Meant to ring up Leon but didn’t. On the afterthought, it was him who promised to ring me up. Most shocking. The horrid fellow continues to forget his promises to me. I suppose I ought to feel awfully hurt etc. I don’t care the least on the other hand. Complete indifference. Meant to phone Vin too,…


May 6th

In town again, had to go to Martha’s too, so I had to cut the Red Cross affair. Received a free ticket from Malert (?). For Dad as I am to go on Sunday. Spoke with Vin. on the phone. A most unsatisfactory talk too. I’m afraid I was worse than ever and seem to have drawn out the worse from him too.…


May 4th

Nora seems to be slightly better since a few days, as if getting over her lethargy sometimes. – Gymn a sad affair. The place small + stuffy. No shower of bath of any sort. A little hole for dressing and no air to speak of. Had to speak with L. on business. He swore from right to left how…

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