
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

Dec 5th

2021. december 05. - pajkrh

Went to see Margareth this afternoon. The kids are sweet, she is getting on quite well as a mistress of her house. We had quite a talk. If it comes to it things sound quite different when they are talked about than when only thought of. Told her how I’ve been let down and how I mean to let down another. For by the way, I thought things over and came to the conclusion that I must stop this thing with Leon, it has no sense whatever. Besides it is so much easier to let down someone while one still feels the effects of same done to her. Though in latter case it doesn’t fit exactly as we weren’t friends for ages. Besides everyone seems to take it for granted that I didn’t care for him – Vin – I mean. Well, seems I’m making a fool of myself. Anyway, when her husband came home we had quite a little talk on the actual Jewish problem and I’m afraid it sounded like as if I were ready to go to the ends of the world with the man. Rather lacks of logic for I didn’t start in this way. Went home quite late. Glad I was

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