
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

August 28th

2021. augusztus 28. - pajkrh

Nothing special happened this week. We did a bit of “spring” cleaning. On Friday Magdi / Mi??? and husband came to see us. She is quite alright. I accompanied them to the East Station and promised to go to see them today. Yesterday again I met Leon. It is getting more than madness and we both resolved not to repeat the thing. He took me home. Luckily today I went to Magdi and passed the whole afternoon in the cemetery with her, so I had no chance of thinking of previous events. Just as well for me. I went to their home. Had a look at their workshop too. But we spent most of our time just walking + talking. Latter was done mostly by her, but was awfully thankful that she didn’t leave me one minute to think of anything else. I too, home a flower + a big bouquet.

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