
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

February 3rd

2022. február 03. - pajkrh

A funny day. When coming home from church heared that there was a note in the letter box simply overflowing with envy, telling us to give the dog enough to eat. Ervin said we should take no notice of it, I told we should put out a small polite begging those who do, not to give the dog anything, adding that a gentleman did not write anonym letters. The boys in the factory solved the problem however by putting out a non too polite note telling the writer of the letter to eat the food he gives to the dog himself and if he didn’t like its bellowing let him come and do it himself. Many people stopped to read it I hope the one it was addressed to also. We read it in the evening only when Ervin took it off and brought it in whit great hilarity to let us see it. The porter from next house, who is employed by the gardener who is doing our garden just now, said it must be “that Kohn” on first floor who detests dogs. He however, doesn’t give him to eat, not much likely at least. But aren’t people nasty, it seems to get on his nerves that we have something for the anonym letter starts with mentioning our possessions. Perhaps he or she is ill, unhappy person. That makes him or her, for the handwriting is feminine, such. Otherwise there was nothing, except for a boy from the Nyilas party, asking for some paper trays fee, asked on the phone previously. I nearly turned him out. Am afraid my opinion is much the same for this too contradicted himself in the third minute. What they are is a vulgar mob as a friend put it, if they did that horrible thing, as is most likely of throwing a bomb at the Synagogue this evening. Hateful crowd.

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