
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

May 6th

2021. május 06. - pajkrh

In town again, had to go to Martha’s too, so I had to cut the Red Cross affair. Received a free ticket from Malert (?). For Dad as I am to go on Sunday. Spoke with Vin. on the phone. A most unsatisfactory talk too. I’m afraid I was worse than ever and seem to have drawn out the worse from him too.…


May 4th

Nora seems to be slightly better since a few days, as if getting over her lethargy sometimes. – Gymn a sad affair. The place small + stuffy. No shower of bath of any sort. A little hole for dressing and no air to speak of. Had to speak with L. on business. He swore from right to left how…

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