
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

July 9th

2022. július 09. - pajkrh

Much the usual Sunday. Went to a late Mass, washed my hair, arranged a meeting with Martha at Marietta’s. Met her brother too, the darling. I mean he was a dear not to make me feel ridiculous when the car ran out of petrol the other day. Can’t forget how sympathetic he sounded and didn’t look amused…


July 5th

This morning I heared both from Margareth and Dr. Laki; I don’t know what am I coming to but I had quite a queer sort of feeling when I saw his letter. It is the silliest of things to let myself go like this when most probably I mean nothing at all to him. Why should I we hardly knew each other,…


July 4th

This afternoon I had to go in town early on business (Suppan) and passing one of those driving institutes I had a brain wave and went in to enquire. Result an immediate lesson. I got a quite well I think. Really it is a shame not to be able to drive when owning licence. I did feel ashamed at times,…

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