
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

June 5th

2022. június 05. - pajkrh

I’m afraid I couldn’t help showing a bit of my depressed state of mind. Don’t care about anything any longer. Hear that Michael is better and is supposed to go to Füred next month. Have been thinking of going there too, but no one would wash the suspicion off me that I didn’t  go on his account. In…


June 4th

Same Sunday as usual. Church, cemetery, cinema. Against my will was driven into an awful row with poor Mother again. She really lacks all logic. It was she herself who advised me to go abroad as perhaps it will be impossible next year, and now she is as much against it as ever. Now that I registered…


May 30th

Whit Sunday passed with my sister + family here. The kids were alright. Went to ? in the evening. Expected Iren on Monday, yesterday, but perhaps she didn’t get my card as she didn’t come. So went to the cinema alone. A pity I waited for her, it upset my usual programme, of going to the cemetery.…

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