
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

May 19th

2022. május 19. - pajkrh

Common communion for the women this morning. Meeting at 11.30. The President Count Teleky spoke too. What he said was very good but he isn’t much of an orator. Rather sounds like giving a lecture. I like the dear man however. Saw S. Pohl too, but couldn’t find him at the end. By the way we talked to canon Czapik yesterday, he was a darling. Saw old ? too, Dr Laki’s reaction of some sort. Went to him in the afternoon, late as usual, and mentioned this. He wasn’t enchanted. How tactless of me, I thought so soon as I saw this, to see all in his mind all his sins. Again he gave me an injection. – At night went to the reunion of ladies at the Heroes Place. It was lovely and very dignified and uplifting I’m so glad I went. The place was completely full. I had a place behind the altar and the empty rows were filled in a few minutes after me. It ended rather late was at home by 10.30 pm only to my greatest surprise. As happy as ever.

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