
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

April 19th

2022. április 19. - pajkrh

We didn’t get the car we chose last week after all for it turned out to be more expensive and while we had an argument about it they sold it someone else. On Friday I went to the Dr who was in the class of a gent. of no ….. (sic) to time. He couldn’t get rid of him. We waited on + on. There were two others besides me. In the end I stayed only because I was curios as to how much longer could it last. Of course Lali (nem!) was a trifle nervous by the time it was my turn and I was in a hurry too being on my way to a lecture. So I forgot to ask quite a lot I meant to. He proposed a short ? cure which I found too expensive. It seems there is some little trouble with my back there is a stained muscle. Nothing serious though. – Gymn was quite nice on Saturday. On Sunday Martha + family were here, so my usual programme was a bit upset, which wasn’t exactly to my liking. On Monday I heared that Marietta’s brother is ill so we had a long ‘phone chat. Something with the lungs apparently. They hope it is not pneumonia. Went to see her yesterday and asked about it. I wonder if the poor boy is fit for marriage at all under such circumstances. Went to see our lawyer also. His sister in law was there too. Last week I went to see her off from the station, she went to Vienna and took a little parcel to my aunt there. It was a funny business as we met at the very last minute or rather I saw her then only. I was there ages before. – I went to see Cica too yesterday she is to start driving to day, but I couldn’t go. Went to have some official valuation made for next house as I am to get it, the other quarter at least as a present. I’ve been to the tailor too, he is to make me a little green coat to my skirt. A sports one. – We are rather anxious about the kid Ervin, he gets those fits of not recognizing people it seems. Perhaps it is due to his difficult birth, poor little kid, in which case it may be something serious. I don’t understand Martha though she takes things off hand. That she can’t bring up children efficiently is obvious, but she might think this case has something in common with Nora’s and say so to the Dr is probable too. She is silly enough for that.

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