
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

Oct 10th

2021. október 10. - pajkrh

As I’m afraid yesterday’s fiasco was mainly my fault I rang up Leon this morning. The nasty creature told me to ring off and he would call me in a minute. The “minute” took a long time to pass. So I called him again in the afternoon just before going out but he was busy and wasn’t free in the…


Oct 9th

Had a long talk after mass with Leon according to which we made a rather ambiguous appointment which naturally didn’t come off. I was about 40 minutes late so I’m not sure if it was not my fault he might have had the same of waiting, if it mattered him, however. It quite spoilt my evening and even…


Oct 8th

Had to go out and buy some toys for the kids as it is little Ervin’s birthday tomorrow. It was pouring. We both forgot that Leon had an appointment for the evening and I rang him up. How entirely unsatisfactory. I was nearly blown away with ‘phonecell when I opened it’s door. There was a terrible…

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