
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

April 10th

2021. április 10. - pajkrh

Went for a walk and looked at shop windows only. It was cold. We had even snow. I’ve been thinking about that awful woman who visits us in the office lately with an article for the Eu. Congress. Or rather on account of it. It is settled though, for the time being, at least.


March 26th

This week passed in a whirl. Monday, like usual, aviation most interesting our names were put down for the free flight. Tuesday, morning in town, evening, aviat gymn. I don’t know how it was, but I couldn’t do a single exercise properly. Our class was put on to Wednesday. Wednesday, late for…



Snow + snow all the day. Lovely time for Vincent’s skiing. God bless him, the dear. I tried to persuade Mother that to learn it is utterly necessary for me. I ought to learn till I’m young and have time. Comparatively. – Irene came rather late. The film was quite a good one. We met Ervin + co.…

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