Went to see Ami as tomorrow is her nameday. Her sister + s. in law were there a nephew + Sándor. She is leaving on next day. It was a cheerful little visit. Been invited to the xxx’s party Juli + relatives arrange from time to time. Of course I accepted with thanks, though the first had to be…
Was late for gym, we stayed for the second lesson too with Emmy. It was very good, but we must have been working with great zeal. All my body is a great ache.
No gymn today. Margareth was ill. After a little talk the two of us Emmy + I went away together till the National Theatre. Wanted to buy a ticket but couldn’t.
Had a card from Leo in the morning. An awful disappointment. He signed it with a false name his Christian name backwards. The hateful…
Gym was very good this evening. It is usually so when I don’t feel like going. Emmy (?) was there, only the two of us. It is nice to work with her, she takes it seriously like I do. Nearly fell round my neck when I arrived, just in the nick of time.