
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

July 2nd

2022. július 02. - pajkrh

Asked Iren to come in the afternoon. Went to a late mass being alone at home. In the afternoon we went to the cinema. it was quite nice. Weather quite cool today, a wind is blowing. Brother went off to Füred with Michael and co. Wonder about the poor boy. – By the way we signed that Testamental…


June 27th

Such a surprise this morning. Had a letter from Gudrum in which he tells she is to be married on July 1st. She was a really nice girl, Margareth in blonde, and I was most thrilled. It seems they are brave enough to risk all sorts of chances, for neither of them has a job yet. In a way it is quite a…

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