
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

Oct 24th

2021. október 24. - pajkrh

Being quite curious how did it happen on Saturday, I rang up Leon very early. He couldn’t speak much being in hurry(?), just told me that his brother was called in to military service in spite of being a 50 percent invalid and having gone through a serious operation quite recently. They were trying…


Oct 22nd

Was awfully hard to decide. I resolved not to give in any more but I’m afraid I wouldn’t have been so strong if it would have actually come to tell him so. Fortunately I was preserved from that. It wasn’t too early when I rang him up and the line was occupied. Later my call wasn’t answered. Same…


Oct 19th

Today’s gymn a wash out. It was raining hard, met a man on the bus going to the Association for Foreign Affairs. He seemed to know me. If I wouldn’t have known I met him there I might have been thinking as hard as anything without finding out same. We finished earlier than usually. It was pouring…

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