
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

April 4th

2021. április 04. - pajkrh

Though I decided to I couldn’t go to that course for guides to day. It is really too bad. It might have meant such a chance of meeting English people. My people are always good at spoiling chances for me, this time too they could only see that it meant my going off early to day and perhaps a whole…


April 3rd

No sign from Vin. Too bad. He seems to get it badly every ten day or so. – Had to speak with Leo on business, asked me to see him next week. Told I’d ‘phone him early on Tuesday. Perhaps I will as I’m most curious to hear more about a thing he said concerning the orders in connection with the Euch.…


April 1st

Went to confession in the morning and had to do in town afterwards. Had a letter from Leo thanking my birthday wishes. He seemed to be most moved for which according to my opinion I gave no reason. A letter from Ernő telling about my glass set. Or rather sets, and one from the Administration of the…


March 29th

Yesterday Vin. ‘phoned to tell that Mr. Kun left the Clinic. We arranged to go together to an auction. I went to fetch him from the Clinic, was a bit late but that didn’t prevent him from staying longer than usually. Again I can’t describe it by anything less than love making. I can’t understand…

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