
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

Dec 18th.

2021. december 18. - pajkrh

Had a long talk with Leon in the morning. Took ‘phone to office which upset a bit Mother. We had a nice long talk. He sounds old and disheartened. Became quite good friends again, but didn’t sound too eager to meet me. As a matter of fact said it couldn’t be before Xmas. I know they are very busy…


Dec 15th

Well I am non-plussed. Had a suspicion since some time not a long one though, that some sort of a female is after my brother. It was her birthday, they said the 34th, which was held at the foaer (foyer?) a place near Kispest. We went to fetch her at their house. I nearly had a fit when she came.…


Dec 13th

Went to an English lecture by a Sir Charles Petrie. It was not very interesting, though in the end he made some remarks which were most enlightening. The man reminded me of our dear Her Hittler (sic!) exciter that was. Tall, sleek and dark. Voice good, way of speaking rather nice. People here are…

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